Live long and prosper! Captain Kink and his crew are back with another hot mess of a galaxy melting cabaret, featuring the best in Broadway, pop, and rock tunes! Starring CatrinaQ, Jessica Vaughn, Robert Long, Darla Eden, Tara Steck, John Koladziej, Crystal Thompson, and Jeff Hopkins. Join us on Saturday, November 4 at 2pm, PT/5pm, ET on Zoom for an unforgettable parody tribute to one of the most beloved Sci-Fi series of all time. Prepare to have all your senses offended while we set our blasters to STUN! Tickets are only $12- just click on “BUY NOW” below. Downloadable links are also available(simply drop a note at checkout). Once purchased, you will receive a Meeting ID number and Passcode via email reservation.